Saturday, May 12, 2007


The highest achievement a hopeless geek can hope to achieve, is getting something they wrote on their hobby's official website. Remember the list of impossible questions I answered a while back?


They used my answers for almost every question and I even got special thanks at the top!

That Sam is going to be trouble though...he was right about the invisibility question (still think flour isn't going to work as well as they think though) and he's probably right on the astrophysics question, but his sarcastic tone is going force my hand.


Sam, I challenge thee to an honor duel. I don't think of it as a fight or battle, but more like the end of a well played game of chess...

I'll be at the top of the waterfall at dawn. Dress is casual. Bring a covered dish.

Anyway, in no particular order, to protect the innocent:


Posted Comment:

"Hey, check out this great survey site! They pay for your opinions! Use the following promo code..."

Next Comment:

"I AM SO SORRY! I didn't mean to send you that! I thought you were one of my other friends, and I accidentally posted a website we were talking about before...

the site I MEANT to tell you about was THIS one! Use promo code..."

Last Comment:

"Check out this site!"


0-1 (The judges decreed that I can't pass judgment without hearing responses, so this is the real final scoring)



*Huge cartoon image of a pair of lips, with the words 'MUAH' over them*

Okay. That really isn't much of a response...I mean, that's all I got. It's positive, definitely, but uh...that's it. Still, overall it's positive. I definitely wasn't disturbed and there's no scam, so yes, positive.



Friend request.

They want to be my friend. Cool. I made them a friend response. Huh. I guess they're leaving it up to me, but still, if someone sends you a message, and you offer to be their friend, don't you think they'd give some kind of message of their own with it? Cartoon smooch? Sales pitch? Anything? I'm going to have mulligan this one. I'm not sure if she's just busy, or if she's the type to just silently stare at me from across the table/room/internet. That's a little creepy.


We're all tied up! What the results be? Stay tuned!

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