Saturday, June 02, 2007

Hey everyone! Work's been a bit busy, so I'm going to just make a short post to announce the...


That's right!

I'm declaring victory in the fanfic competition, as both of my entries outdid the original fanfics the themes were taken from (Amber said my Mac/PC story was far better, and Pat grudgingly muttered something and gave a small nod, so I'm counting that as a win). So there, I can out-write any of these fanfic penning losers, even when I only have ten minutes in which to do it, whereas they had as much time as they wanted.


The Myspace challenge I'm going to have to call as a draw. I didn't get any more response than I previously listed (at least not from the original people I wrote), leaving the record as 1 creepy, 1 not creepy, and one who split the middle, or 1-1-1.

Myspace has a LOT more people on it than I realized. I've connected up with lots of people I haven't seen in ages, it's very user friendly, and there are a lot of options. That being said, there's a ridiculous amount of trolling, advertisements and camwhores out there as well, flooding my inboxes. So with the judge's permission, I'm calling the competition's first draw.


This brings us to what may or may not be our final round, depending on if I win/draw or if I lose. I've got to completely lose this round in order for there to be a sudden death match, so let's make this a good one...

Then again, what's there left to do? I've pretty much scoured the basement of the internet for overbloated, idiotic, and juvenile websites? What's left?

The grand daddy website of them all.

I've been getting a lot of wins here, but I have to admit that some of them were pretty easy. Taking on the IMDB, fanfics, and Google image search isn't that hard. Still, you can only pick on a bunch of harmless guys for so long...until their big brother shows up.

I've been battling the internet, and now that we're at what will most likely be the final challenge, as I've slain all the weaker foes that had blocked my path, I weakly stagger through the large double doors into the throne room. There, with my sword firmly in hand, I face down my final enemy.


I know what you're thinking.

'Max, be reasonable! Wikipedia is a fantastic website that the whole world uses!'

To that I say: I REFUSE TO BE REASONABLE! I set out to challenge the internet, and I can't chicken out and add on 'except wikipedia'.

Wikipedia is perhaps the greatest invention since the invention of the internet itself, and thus, I must challenge it!

The judge has approved the following battle:

I will write up three potential entries into wikipedia for three different topics, each from a completely different genre, and each without any foreknowledge of the status of their wiki page (or if they have a wiki page at all).

If what I write is more informative than what's existing, I get the point. If what I present isn't as substantial, then wikipedia gets the point.

Sure, wikipedia had a lot more time and resources to gather the data (and as with the IMDB challenge, I don't know a lot of dates and actor names), but to balance this, I get to choose the three topics, and if my stuff is better...what the hell, I'll enter it into the Wiki site and see if it sticks.

I won't spoil it by announcing beforehand what the topics are, only that the first is an old bad TV show that I believe only I watched (I don't have dates or actor names, but I'm pretty sure a basic description of the series will trump what wiki has on it), the second is a choose your own adventure-like book series, and the third is a popular kid's cartoon/comic/movie character (Amber looked skeptical when I mentioned this one, but I've decided to go with something hard rather than easy).

I'll write them up and check it out and then post the results. Wish me luck!

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